A digital drawing of a person with messy, shoulder-length hair featuring shades of white and black, wearing a horizontally striped shirt with various hues of blue and purple. The background is a simple, unadorned grey.

About Me

My name is Jamie Gravendeel and my username is Monster. I'm 18 years old and my pronouns are she/they. I live in the Netherlands.

I'm a designer and student working on GNOME. I'm also a member of the GNOME Foundation.

I'm a big advocate of GNOME, Flatpak, Wayland, systemd, and immutable distributions.

My Socials

Message me on Discord or Matrix

Follow me on Mastodon

My Projects

Button Rows — A demo app for AdwButtonRow

A user interface window labeled 'Button Rows' with three buttons that read 'Pet Cats' with an arrow pointing to the right, 'Clear Cats', and 'Add Cat' with an icon that resembles a cat.